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Sound of Wisdom

In this blog you will find "the sound of Wisdom" : quotations and reflections from all the times around the world; many words, source of inspiration for the perennial seeker of truth.

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Location: Beer-Sheva, Neguev, Israel

Escribo poesia, ensayo y narrativa. He publicado mi primer libro,"Al Borde del Hombre", en Buenos Aires (Ed. Dunken, 2004,Poesia) Soy Doctor en Medicina, con especializacion en Psicologia Medica y Psiquiatria. Diplomado en Logoterapia. Resido en Israel desde 1988.

Sunday, February 05, 2006


" If we take people as they are,
we make them worse.
If we treat them as if they were
what they ought to be,
we help them to become
what they are capable of becoming."


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